ugostiteljstvo Caffe bar "LAVIRINT" Radmilo Lemez s.p IN Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina ugostiteljstvo Caffe bar "LAVIRINT" Radmilo Lemez s.p IN Sarajevo
Nikole Tesle 12
Long name: ugostiteljstvo Caffe bar "LAVIRINT" Radmilo Lemez s.p IN Sarajevo
Short name: ugostiteljstvo Caffe bar "LAVIRINT" Radmilo Lemez s.p IN Sarajevo
Address: Nikole Tesle 12
ZIP and place: 71123 ISTOČNO SARAJEVO
Region: Mezoregion Istočno Sarajevo
Registration number: 613936
Tax: 4510093120003
Bank Account:
Legal form: Sole proprietor
Date founded: 1/1/0001
Activity: Beverage serving activities